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171 items found, showing page 6 of 15

Leeds primary school students launch ‘Name the Gritter’ competition: Gritter

22 Nov 2022

Leeds primary school students launch ‘Name the Gritter’ competition

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School students have helped Leeds City Council launch their ‘Name the Gritter’ competition, which is soon to be rolled out to all Key Stage 2 pupils across Leeds.

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport

Scotland Lane and Whitehouse Lane sustainable transport improvements – have your say: Scotland Lane (for illustrative purposes only)

15 Nov 2022

Scotland Lane and Whitehouse Lane sustainable transport improvements – have your say

Leeds City Council is asking for views and comments on proposals to improve sustainable transport connections along Whitehouse Lane and Scotland Lane.

Transport Connecting Leeds

Motorists urged to plan ahead of busy weekend: Plan Ahead to avoid being affected by traffic disruption

06 Oct 2022

Motorists urged to plan ahead of busy weekend

Leeds City Council is advising motorists to plan ahead when travelling into the city centre this weekend, allowing extra time for journeys or using alternative methods of transport to avoid becoming caught in congestion.

Connecting Leeds Transport

Leeds e-bike hire scheme moves a step closer: Leeds e-bike hire 1

22 Sep 2022

Leeds e-bike hire scheme moves a step closer

The arrival of Leeds’s first public e-bike hire scheme has moved a step closer today (Thursday 22 September) with potential operators being invited to bid for the contract.

Transport Connecting Leeds Climate change Clean air/air quality Cycling

Latest round in £7.2 million Leeds city centre cycle improvements in full swing: Cycling infrastructure improvements

18 Aug 2022

Latest round in £7.2 million Leeds city centre cycle improvements in full swing

Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority start latest round of cycle improvements in Leeds city centre.

Connecting Leeds Highways Cycling Transport Climate change Clean air/air quality