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171 items found, showing page 8 of 15

Bishopgate St and Neville St lane closures: motorists reminded to plan ahead: Bishopgate on completion of the TCF scheme works

19 May 2022

Bishopgate St and Neville St lane closures: motorists reminded to plan ahead

Leeds City Council is reminding motorists to plan ahead as a lane closure begins on Bishopgate Street and Neville Street next Monday (23rd).

Connecting Leeds Transport Climate change Clean air/air quality

Plan ahead for Bishopgate Street and Neville Street lane closures – 23 May onwards: Bishopgate on completion of the TCF scheme works

10 May 2022

Plan ahead for Bishopgate Street and Neville Street lane closures – 23 May onwards

Motorists travelling into Leeds city centre are being encouraged to plan their journeys in advance as works to Bishopgate Street and Neville Street begin shortly.

Highways Connecting Leeds

Have your say to help eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Leeds roads: Leeds Safer Roads Vision Zero strategy 01

28 Feb 2022

Have your say to help eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Leeds roads

People are being asked to have their say on the new strategy to eliminate road deaths and serious injuries in Leeds.

Connecting Leeds Climate change Transport

Final resurfacing work to start around the Corn Exchange and New Briggate: CornExchange AerialView 01-4

21 Feb 2022

Final resurfacing work to start around the Corn Exchange and New Briggate

The Connecting Leeds £25million transformational Corn Exchange project is due to complete following resurfacing works which are happening later this month.

Connecting Leeds Highways Best city Climate change Clean air/air quality

New road safety strategy aims to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Leeds roads: Leeds Safer Roads Vision Zero strategy 01

02 Feb 2022

New road safety strategy aims to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Leeds roads

A new strategy to eliminate road deaths and serious injuries in Leeds by 2040 will be discussed by senior councillors next week.

Connecting Leeds Transport Clean air/air quality Climate change

Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police secure £67,000 road safety funding: OperationSPARC

16 Dec 2021

Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police secure £67,000 road safety funding

A West Yorkshire Police operation that has dealt with thousands of dangerous drivers in Leeds has been extended for another 12 months, thanks to a commitment of £67,000 in funding from Leeds City Council.

Connecting Leeds Transport Climate change Clean air/air quality

Leeds schools get £100,000 of new bicycle and scooter storage: ArmleyParkPrimarySchoolBicycleStorage-2

14 Dec 2021

Leeds schools get £100,000 of new bicycle and scooter storage

Nineteen schools across Leeds are receiving new bicycle and scooter storage, in a project worth £100,000.

Connecting Leeds Transport Schools Clean air/air quality Climate change

Public consultation launched for Horsforth to Rodley Outer Ring Road Improvements: a6120

16 Nov 2021

Public consultation launched for Horsforth to Rodley Outer Ring Road Improvements

Leeds City Council is launching a public consultation on the next stages of the proposed Connecting West Leeds scheme, which would see a series of improvements to the A6120 Leeds Outer Ring Road between Fink Hill in Horsforth and Dawson’s Corner in Pudsey.

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport Public consultation Climate change Clean air/air quality