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Armley Town Street: Highway proposals aim to improve public transport and active travel journeys: Armley Town Street - Gelder Road junction visualisation

19 Jul 2024

Armley Town Street: Highway proposals aim to improve public transport and active travel journeys

The £2.91m proposals aim to reduce bus delays whilst improving the street environment for visitors and shoppers with wider pavements, planting and landscaping and more crossing points to encourage active travel journeys.

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport

Public consultation announced on highways proposals along the A64: A64 bus route

16 Jul 2024

Public consultation announced on highways proposals along the A64

Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority announce a period of public engagement for proposals to improve journeys on the A64.

Connecting Leeds Transport Highways

Ten years since the Grand Depart: A weekend of cycling celebrations: Leeds City Council's safe and sustainable travel team with Dawn Barrett's sister

09 Jul 2024

Ten years since the Grand Depart: A weekend of cycling celebrations

Leeds was riding high over the weekend as it marked the 10th anniversary of Yorkshire’s unforgettable staging of the Tour de France Grand Depart.

Highways Cycling

LED-ing the Way: Leeds £22.5m LED lighting scheme completed: LED Lighting1

23 Feb 2024

LED-ing the Way: Leeds £22.5m LED lighting scheme completed

The scheme officially completed last week with the final light being installed at Edith Sykes Drive in east Leeds.

Connecting Leeds Highways Street lighting

Final chance to feed back on issues along Woodhouse Lane: Woodhouse Lane Gateway. Photo credit: Urban Wilderness

15 Feb 2024

Final chance to feed back on issues along Woodhouse Lane

The council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority are urging people to have their say on travel or place related issues between the city centre and the Hyde Park and Woodhouse areas of Leeds, before the Woodhouse Lane Gateway consultation closes on 19 February.

Connecting Leeds Transport Highways