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124 items found, showing page 4 of 11

First permanent average-speed cameras in West Yorkshire to be installed in Leeds: Average speed cameras A6120 & A647

21 Jun 2023

First permanent average-speed cameras in West Yorkshire to be installed in Leeds

Leeds City Council will soon install the first permanent average-speed cameras in West Yorkshire, which will be located on the A6120 Outer Ring Road and the A647 Stanningley Bypass, and form part of the Connecting West Leeds scheme.

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport Road safety

Transforming Leeds City Rail Station: next stage of works to begin: TCF New Station Street-2

27 Feb 2023

Transforming Leeds City Rail Station: next stage of works to begin

The next stage in the transformation of Leeds City Rail Station’s main entrance and surrounding area will begin next month (March).

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport

Feedback on plans to improve safety and street design of A660 Otley Road, Headingley Lane and Woodhouse Lane: A660 Victoria Road junction

30 Jan 2023

Feedback on plans to improve safety and street design of A660 Otley Road, Headingley Lane and Woodhouse Lane

Plans aim to address a high number of casualties along this route whilst providing safer, alternative travel options for Headingley and Hyde Park’s residents. 

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport

Actor Martin Clunes comes to Leeds to see the award-winning equestrian infrastructure on the East Leeds Orbital Route: East Leeds Orbital Route Bridleway launch

23 Jan 2023

Actor Martin Clunes comes to Leeds to see the award-winning equestrian infrastructure on the East Leeds Orbital Route

The East Leeds Orbital Route wins award for "gold standard" designed equestrian route and Martin Clunes, the president of The British Horse Society comes to Leeds to commemorate. 

Connecting Leeds Highways

Improvements start for busy Fink Hill junction on A6120, North Leeds: Fink Hill 2

22 Nov 2022

Improvements start for busy Fink Hill junction on A6120, North Leeds

Following a public consultation in 2020 seeking feedback about a busy junction on the A6120, (Leeds Outer Ring Road) preliminary works will be starting this week.

Connecting Leeds Transport Highways Climate change Clean air/air quality

Leeds primary school students launch ‘Name the Gritter’ competition: Gritter

22 Nov 2022

Leeds primary school students launch ‘Name the Gritter’ competition

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School students have helped Leeds City Council launch their ‘Name the Gritter’ competition, which is soon to be rolled out to all Key Stage 2 pupils across Leeds.

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport

Latest round in £7.2 million Leeds city centre cycle improvements in full swing: Cycling infrastructure improvements

18 Aug 2022

Latest round in £7.2 million Leeds city centre cycle improvements in full swing

Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority start latest round of cycle improvements in Leeds city centre.

Connecting Leeds Highways Cycling Transport Climate change Clean air/air quality