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23 items found, showing page 1 of 2

Ten years since the Grand Depart: A weekend of cycling celebrations: Leeds City Council's safe and sustainable travel team with Dawn Barrett's sister

09 Jul 2024

Ten years since the Grand Depart: A weekend of cycling celebrations

Leeds was riding high over the weekend as it marked the 10th anniversary of Yorkshire’s unforgettable staging of the Tour de France Grand Depart.

Highways Cycling

Youngsters in Leeds to champion active travel in local schools: Active Travel Ambassadors event 22.03.24

22 Mar 2024

Youngsters in Leeds to champion active travel in local schools

Leeds school pupils get on the right track as they put forward their ideas for tackling some key transport challenges. 

Connecting Leeds Transport Schools Walking Cycling

New cycling and pedestrian improvements for Crown Point Road: Crown Point Bridge-2

07 Dec 2023

New cycling and pedestrian improvements for Crown Point Road

Works to improve walking and cycling connections over the River Aire have completed, marking a significant milestone for cycling improvements in Leeds city centre.

Transport Cycling Connecting Leeds

Gearing-up for Leeds’ new e-bike hire service: Leeds City Bikes e-bike hire service

06 Jun 2023

Gearing-up for Leeds’ new e-bike hire service

First look at the e-bikes coming to Leeds this autumn as scheme is given green light!

Connecting Leeds Cycling Transport

Leeds e-bike hire scheme moves a step closer: Leeds e-bike hire 1

22 Sep 2022

Leeds e-bike hire scheme moves a step closer

The arrival of Leeds’s first public e-bike hire scheme has moved a step closer today (Thursday 22 September) with potential operators being invited to bid for the contract.

Transport Connecting Leeds Climate change Clean air/air quality Cycling

Latest round in £7.2 million Leeds city centre cycle improvements in full swing: Cycling infrastructure improvements

18 Aug 2022

Latest round in £7.2 million Leeds city centre cycle improvements in full swing

Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority start latest round of cycle improvements in Leeds city centre.

Connecting Leeds Highways Cycling Transport Climate change Clean air/air quality

A61 and A639 – have your say on proposed £22.5million improvement schemes: Bus image A61A639

04 Jul 2022

A61 and A639 – have your say on proposed £22.5million improvement schemes

Residents and businesses are being asked for views on proposals to invest up to £22.5 million in two key roads connecting Leeds and Wakefield – the A61 and the A639.

Connecting Leeds Transport Best council Environment Clean air/air quality Highways Cycling Public consultation Climate change