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New electric-cargo bike loan scheme for sustainable deliveries in Leeds begins: Electric cargo bike loan scheme

16 Mar 2021

New electric-cargo bike loan scheme for sustainable deliveries in Leeds begins

Leeds businesses are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to trial an electric-cargo bike for their deliveries.

Connecting Leeds Cycling Clean air/air quality Transport Climate change

Have your say on plans for £7.06m of new cycling routes across Leeds: CS2 2

26 Jan 2021

Have your say on plans for £7.06m of new cycling routes across Leeds

People are being asked for their views on plans for £7.06 million of new cycling routes across Leeds, as part of Leeds City Council’s plans aimed to encourage more people to travel by bike, in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

Connecting Leeds Cycling Clean air/air quality Best city Best council Climate change

New Connecting Leeds pop-up bike hub opens to public: CYCLING HUB KIRKGATE©LizzieCoombes2020-13

19 Aug 2020

New Connecting Leeds pop-up bike hub opens to public

A new pop-up bike hub has opened in Leeds Kirkgate Market to support more people accessing the city centre by bike.

Cycling Connecting Leeds Transport Clean air/air quality Climate change

Update on measures to support social distancing in Leeds local centres: Morley - Albion Street 1

27 May 2020

Update on measures to support social distancing in Leeds local centres

Leeds City Council has started to implement new social distancing measures to support cycling and walking, to protect public health across the city.

Transport City centre Best city Best council Walking Cycling Climate change Clean air/air quality

New pilot scheme to enhance cycling safety on A65 in Leeds: Orca Wands

07 May 2020

New pilot scheme to enhance cycling safety on A65 in Leeds

Orca Wands to provide safety for cyclists on one of the busiest roads in Leeds.

Transport Highways Cycling Climate change Clean air/air quality

New measures to support social distancing for people walking and cycling in Leeds: Cycling

06 May 2020

New measures to support social distancing for people walking and cycling in Leeds

Leeds City Council is implementing new social distancing measures to support cycling and walking to protect public health across the city.

Best city Connecting Leeds Cycling Environment Health Walking Climate change Clean air/air quality