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First permanent average-speed cameras in West Yorkshire to be installed in Leeds: Average speed cameras A6120 & A647

21 Jun 2023

First permanent average-speed cameras in West Yorkshire to be installed in Leeds

Leeds City Council will soon install the first permanent average-speed cameras in West Yorkshire, which will be located on the A6120 Outer Ring Road and the A647 Stanningley Bypass, and form part of the Connecting West Leeds scheme.

Connecting Leeds Highways Transport Road safety

Gearing-up for Leeds’ new e-bike hire service: Leeds City Bikes e-bike hire service

06 Jun 2023

Gearing-up for Leeds’ new e-bike hire service

First look at the e-bikes coming to Leeds this autumn as scheme is given green light!

Connecting Leeds Cycling Transport

Transforming Leeds City Rail Station: Major improvements to begin: TCF New Station Street-2

10 May 2023

Transforming Leeds City Rail Station: Major improvements to begin

Major improvements to Leeds City Rail Station’s main entrance and surrounding area begin next week – and visitors are being encouraged to consider how these changes will affect their journey to and from the station.

Connecting Leeds Transport

Transforming Leeds City Rail Station: Date of New Station Street closure announced: Bishopgate on completion of the TCF scheme works

18 Apr 2023

Transforming Leeds City Rail Station: Date of New Station Street closure announced

As part of the next stage in the transformation of Leeds City Rail Station’s main entrance and surrounding area, New Station Street will be closed from Friday 19 May to all traffic (except service vehicles and emergency services). Due to the closure, the station taxi rank will be moved to Princes Square.

Connecting Leeds