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Final chance to feed back on issues along Woodhouse Lane: Woodhouse Lane Gateway. Photo credit: Urban Wilderness

15 Feb 2024

Final chance to feed back on issues along Woodhouse Lane

The council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority are urging people to have their say on travel or place related issues between the city centre and the Hyde Park and Woodhouse areas of Leeds, before the Woodhouse Lane Gateway consultation closes on 19 February.

Connecting Leeds Transport Highways

Help shape plans to improve walking, cycling and public transport along Woodhouse Lane: Cycle user on Woodhouse Lane

23 Jan 2024

Help shape plans to improve walking, cycling and public transport along Woodhouse Lane

A public consultation has been launched asking people for their views about transport options between the centre of Leeds and the Hyde Park and Woodhouse areas of the city.

Connecting Leeds Transport Highways Road safety

Sovereign Street becomes one-way to vehicles to improve cycling and walking connections: Sovereign St TCF Works Card HR

05 Jan 2024

Sovereign Street becomes one-way to vehicles to improve cycling and walking connections

Sovereign Street has become one-way as part of plans to improve cycling and walking connections across Leeds city centre.

Connecting Leeds Transport

Festive road safety pantomime delights pupils with laughter and life-saving lessons: Councillor Hayden and Councillor Holroyd-Case with Santa, Rudolph and pupils at Thorpe Primary School

19 Dec 2023

Festive road safety pantomime delights pupils with laughter and life-saving lessons

Santa and his helpers are making a few extra early stops in Leeds to deliver a very special present to primary school pupils.  

Highways Christmas Children Connecting Leeds Road safety Schools

New cycling and pedestrian improvements for Crown Point Road: Crown Point Bridge-2

07 Dec 2023

New cycling and pedestrian improvements for Crown Point Road

Works to improve walking and cycling connections over the River Aire have completed, marking a significant milestone for cycling improvements in Leeds city centre.

Transport Cycling Connecting Leeds