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16 Sep 2021
New toolkit launched ahead of Car Free Day to help Leeds residents host community street events.
Leeds City Council has launched the Streets for People toolkit as communities across Leeds celebrate World Car Free Day.

19 Aug 2021
Connecting Leeds launches consultation and asks for feedback on highways improvements around City Square
Connecting Leeds is giving people the chance to have their say on proposed highways improvements which will enable the transformation of City Square.

10 Aug 2021
Work to transform four key areas in Leeds city centre complete after two years of construction
Construction work, designed to transform the bus network, reduce public transport journey times and improve public realm has completed in four key areas in the city.

19 Jul 2021
Your Neighbourhood, Your City, Your Planet – Have Your Say on Leeds’ Local Plan Update
Leeds City Council is encouraging residents and businesses to have their say on its draft Local Plan Update, which will set out the authority’s approach to planning policy and new development across the district over the next decade and beyond.

14 Jul 2021
Leeds unveils ambitious air quality strategy to save lives and meet global standards by 2030.
Senior councillors will discuss ambitious proposals for a new strategy to save lives by meeting global standards for clean air next week.

08 Apr 2021
Major Headrow scheme set to pave the way for city centre re-opening
After 18 months of construction, a multi-million pound Connecting Leeds scheme which is set to transform one of the city’s busiest streets is close to completion as work to resurface the road starts.

16 Mar 2021
New electric-cargo bike loan scheme for sustainable deliveries in Leeds begins
Leeds businesses are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to trial an electric-cargo bike for their deliveries.

25 Feb 2021
Major milestone hit on the Connecting Leeds Headrow scheme as first trees are planted
A major milestone has been hit on the Connecting Leeds Headrow scheme as the first trees have been planted on Dortmund Square.

19 Feb 2021
Vicar Lane to open to buses travelling both ways for first time in over 50 years, improving journeys and traffic circulation in Leeds city centre.
Vicar Lane in central Leeds will reopen to bus traffic going both ways on Sunday 21 February, improving reliability and journey times by removing a bottleneck on The Headrow at New Briggate.

10 Feb 2021
Leeds City Council approves funding to improve public realm outside the city’s iconic Corn Exchange building
Leeds City Council’s executive board has formally approved funding to improve the area directly outside the city’s Corn Exchange building.