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16 Mar 2021
New electric-cargo bike loan scheme for sustainable deliveries in Leeds begins
Leeds businesses are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to trial an electric-cargo bike for their deliveries.

19 Feb 2021
Vicar Lane to open to buses travelling both ways for first time in over 50 years, improving journeys and traffic circulation in Leeds city centre.
Vicar Lane in central Leeds will reopen to bus traffic going both ways on Sunday 21 February, improving reliability and journey times by removing a bottleneck on The Headrow at New Briggate.

10 Feb 2021
Leeds City Council approves funding to improve public realm outside the city’s iconic Corn Exchange building
Leeds City Council’s executive board has formally approved funding to improve the area directly outside the city’s Corn Exchange building.

22 Jan 2021
Animation shows how £16million Connecting Leeds project will improve A647
Connecting Leeds have released an animation which shows how a multi-million pound project will improve a key corridor that connects Bradford and Leeds.

18 Dec 2020
New animation shows how Leeds’ new £38.5million park and ride will look once complete.
An animation has been released by Leeds City Council to show how the brand new park and ride in Stourton will look once complete in autumn 2021.

10 Dec 2020
New Connecting Leeds transport strategy for everyone to enjoy healthy, affordable, low carbon travel choices
Universal access to accessible, affordable and sustainable travel choices will be considered by senior councillors next week.

04 Dec 2020
Next exciting phase of Regent Street flyover project to start next week
The next exciting phase of a multi-million pound project to rebuild a major bridge in Leeds city centre commences next week.

02 Dec 2020
Leeds City Council urges people to shop safely and plan journeys in advance as lockdown eases
Leeds City Council and the city’s retailers have been working hard to provide a safe shopping environment now that lockdown restrictions have eased.

30 Nov 2020
First trees planted on A61(South) Connecting Leeds scheme to celebrate National Tree Week.
To mark National Tree Week, Leeds City Council’s Connecting Leeds team have planted the first trees along their A61(South) scheme.

09 Nov 2020
First ‘Active Travel Neighbourhood’ pilots across Leeds
Leeds City Council has unveiled its first trial active travel neighbourhoods with a range of measures that have been designed to make these residential areas of the city much more child, pedestrian and cycle friendly.