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Major city centre improvement scheme enters final stages of completion: Park Row-2

21 Oct 2020

Major city centre improvement scheme enters final stages of completion

An £8million plus project in the city centre is nearing the final stages of completion as pavement resurfacing work is set to start on Park Row and Infirmary Street.

Transport Connecting Leeds Clean air/air quality Climate change

Leeds’ Clean Air Zone has achieved its aims early and is no longer required, joint review finds: CAZ Logo

13 Oct 2020

Leeds’ Clean Air Zone has achieved its aims early and is no longer required, joint review finds

Leeds’ planned Clean Air Zone is no longer required thanks to businesses switching to cleaner vehicles faster than expected, a joint review by Leeds City Council and central government has concluded.

Clean air/air quality Transport Health Climate change

Leeds City Council Logo

09 Oct 2020

Leeds City Council to invest £24 million in green technologies for council homes

Thousands of council tenants across Leeds are to benefit from significantly cheaper energy bills as part of a transformational new programme to improve council housing and cut the city’s carbon footprint.

Climate change Housing

Residents and businesses praised for dramatic shift to cleaner vehicles in Leeds: Zero emission vehicle

08 Oct 2020

Residents and businesses praised for dramatic shift to cleaner vehicles in Leeds

Leeds City Council is thanking residents, organisations and businesses that have switched to cleaner and greener vehicles—or who regularly travel sustainably—for helping to protect the health of everyone in the city from polluted air.

Clean air/air quality Climate change Transport

Bus routes returning to serve the Headrow in both directions in next exciting phase of scheme: Headrow - Horse & Trumpet-2

02 Oct 2020

Bus routes returning to serve the Headrow in both directions in next exciting phase of scheme

A £20million+ city centre improvement scheme has reached the next exciting phase of delivery.

Connecting Leeds Transport Highways City centre Climate change Clean air/air quality

Leeds City Council Logo

07 Sep 2020

Free electric bike trials for commuters in Leeds

Commuters in Leeds can now borrow an electric bike free of charge for up to two weeks as part of a new council initiative to promote sustainable travel.

Clean air/air quality Climate change Transport

New Connecting Leeds pop-up bike hub opens to public: CYCLING HUB KIRKGATE©LizzieCoombes2020-13

19 Aug 2020

New Connecting Leeds pop-up bike hub opens to public

A new pop-up bike hub has opened in Leeds Kirkgate Market to support more people accessing the city centre by bike.

Cycling Connecting Leeds Transport Clean air/air quality Climate change

Statement regarding the latest Clean Air Zone position: CAZ Logo

19 Aug 2020

Statement regarding the latest Clean Air Zone position

Councillor James Lewis, Deputy Leader and Executive Member with responsibility for air quality, has shared an update regarding a review of the council’s plans to introduce a Clean Air Zone in Leeds.

Transport Climate change Clean air/air quality Health