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Work has started on the transformation of the former South Leeds Golf Course: SLGC

31 Jan 2022

Work has started on the transformation of the former South Leeds Golf Course

Work has started at the former South Leeds golf course on the creation of a 48-hectare country park and green space.

Parks and countryside Climate change

Leeds sets out tree-mendous ambition to provide high quality parks and green spaces in all local communities: roundhayparklake-2

09 Dec 2021

Leeds sets out tree-mendous ambition to provide high quality parks and green spaces in all local communities

Leeds City Council’s executive board will consider a 10-year strategy next week which will set out the ambition for the city to have the best parks and green spaces in the UK.

Parks and countryside Best city Clean air/air quality Climate change

Leeds City Council kicks off National Tree Week with planting event in Harehills Park.: Cllr Salma Arif - Harehills planting exercise

29 Nov 2021

Leeds City Council kicks off National Tree Week with planting event in Harehills Park.

To mark the beginning of National Tree Week, Leeds City Council launched their winter tree planting season over the weekend with a tree planting event held in Harehills Park.

Parks and countryside Best city Climate change