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261 items found, showing page 2 of 22

Help shape plans to improve walking, cycling and public transport along Woodhouse Lane: Cycle user on Woodhouse Lane

23 Jan 2024

Help shape plans to improve walking, cycling and public transport along Woodhouse Lane

A public consultation has been launched asking people for their views about transport options between the centre of Leeds and the Hyde Park and Woodhouse areas of the city.

Connecting Leeds Transport Highways Road safety

Sovereign Street becomes one-way to vehicles to improve cycling and walking connections: Sovereign St TCF Works Card HR

05 Jan 2024

Sovereign Street becomes one-way to vehicles to improve cycling and walking connections

Sovereign Street has become one-way as part of plans to improve cycling and walking connections across Leeds city centre.

Connecting Leeds Transport

Leeds City Council Logo

14 Dec 2023

Have your say on potential new direction for local bus network

People in Leeds are being encouraged to get on board with a public consultation process that will help shape the future of the city’s bus services.


Leeds City Station: laying the foundations for New Year construction: Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway

12 Dec 2023

Leeds City Station: laying the foundations for New Year construction

The transformation of Leeds City Station’s main entrance is reaching its next milestone, with demolition works coming towards the end and construction due to begin in earnest in the New Year.

Transport City centre

New cycling and pedestrian improvements for Crown Point Road: Crown Point Bridge-2

07 Dec 2023

New cycling and pedestrian improvements for Crown Point Road

Works to improve walking and cycling connections over the River Aire have completed, marking a significant milestone for cycling improvements in Leeds city centre.

Transport Cycling Connecting Leeds

Leeds graded 'A' for Climate Action by CDP: Graphical representation of the Leeds PIPES district heating network route along the Headrow. In reality, the pipes are installed underground.

16 Nov 2023

Leeds graded 'A' for Climate Action by CDP

Leeds City Council has been recognised as one of 119 cities across the globe taking bold leadership on environmental action and transparency—despite the pressures of a challenging global economic situation—in a new list published by renowned international authority the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

Climate change Transport Housing Flooding Energy Inclusive growth Extreme weather Leeds PIPES district heating network