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212 items found, showing page 6 of 18

Leeds’ Clean Air Zone has achieved its aims early and is no longer required, joint review finds: CAZ Logo

13 Oct 2020

Leeds’ Clean Air Zone has achieved its aims early and is no longer required, joint review finds

Leeds’ planned Clean Air Zone is no longer required thanks to businesses switching to cleaner vehicles faster than expected, a joint review by Leeds City Council and central government has concluded.

Clean air/air quality Transport Health Climate change

Statement regarding the latest Clean Air Zone position: CAZ Logo

19 Aug 2020

Statement regarding the latest Clean Air Zone position

Councillor James Lewis, Deputy Leader and Executive Member with responsibility for air quality, has shared an update regarding a review of the council’s plans to introduce a Clean Air Zone in Leeds.

Transport Climate change Clean air/air quality Health

Leeds City Council Logo

31 Jul 2020

Leeds health leaders say breastfeeding makes a world of difference

Local health leaders are raising awareness of the environmental and health benefits of infant feeding—as well as the support available—to mark World Breastfeeding Week.

Compassionate city Families Health Climate change

Leeds City Council Logo

05 Jul 2020

“Cautious optimism” for thousands of Leeds residents as shielding restrictions eased

Thousands of people across Leeds with health conditions are preparing for an easing of the severe restrictions they have been living with since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Coronavirus Health

Key role for Leeds City Council chief executive in national coronavirus contact tracing programme: Tom Riordan CBE.jpg

12 May 2020

Key role for Leeds City Council chief executive in national coronavirus contact tracing programme

Tom Riordan CBE to lead on government COVID-19 contact tracing and testing work

Coronavirus Health Tom Riordan CBE

New measures to support social distancing for people walking and cycling in Leeds: Cycling

06 May 2020

New measures to support social distancing for people walking and cycling in Leeds

Leeds City Council is implementing new social distancing measures to support cycling and walking to protect public health across the city.

Best city Connecting Leeds Cycling Environment Health Walking Climate change Clean air/air quality