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Leeds City Council Logo

26 Mar 2020

Continued support for rough sleepers and homeless outlined as city tackles Coronavirus

Council offers update on support for those who are homeless or rough sleeping during the current coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus Homelessness Rough sleepers Housing Health

Leeds City Council Logo

26 Mar 2020

Council Leader hails “heroic” effort of frontline workers in Leeds and underlines serious challenge facing city

The Leader of Leeds City Council has hailed the extraordinary efforts of frontline council, NHS and other key workers as the city faces up to one of the most serious challenges it has ever known.

Coronavirus Health LCC staff_officers Volunteering

Leeds City Council Logo

24 Mar 2020

City unites to help those in need

Leeds City Council has joined forces with Voluntary Action Leeds and a network of other local charities to deliver care to anyone in need across the city.

Coronavirus Volunteering Health