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197 items found, showing page 2 of 17

New campaign to reduce the numbers of young people vaping: Enforcement updated 2 (002)

17 Nov 2023

New campaign to reduce the numbers of young people vaping

Retailers are being warned not to sell nicotine vapes to under-18s as part of a major campaign to reduce the numbers of young people vaping in Leeds.


Lord Mayor urges Leeds to get winter strong: Lord Mayor receiving winter vaccination

06 Nov 2023

Lord Mayor urges Leeds to get winter strong

The Lord Mayor of Leeds has urged residents to check if they are eligible for the free flu or covid-19 vaccine this winter.


Innovative ABCD in Leeds programme celebrates milestone at special city event: ABCD event

27 Oct 2023

Innovative ABCD in Leeds programme celebrates milestone at special city event

An event marking a special birthday of a pioneering asset-based community development programme in Leeds has been held this week.

Over 150 attendees, including members of third sector organisations, interested representatives of other local authorities and city councillors came together at Slung Low in Holbeck to celebrate the 10th birthday of the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) programme.  

Health Community groups

Major upgrade of telecare services in Leeds successfully completed: Leeds Tele Care Services

02 Oct 2023

Major upgrade of telecare services in Leeds successfully completed

Infrastructure and equipment upgraded from analogue to digital

Adult social care Health

World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 – check in with your mate: Check in with your mate Social Join the campaign 1200x630

06 Sep 2023

World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 – check in with your mate

Leeds City Council has joined forces with the Rhinos Foundation as part of a campaign to encourage people to check-in with their mates and help normalise conversations around mental health and suicide, particularly among  men.


Leeds City Council Logo

17 Aug 2023

Number of people who smoke in Leeds at over 120,000

Data from the Office for National Statistics shows that there are currently more than 120,000 people who smoke in Leeds, with a large percentage of these being 25-34 year olds. Stopping smoking is one of the best things people can do to improve their health.


Leeds mental health racial equality partnership shortlisted for two prestigious national awards: Synergi Leeds logo

14 Aug 2023

Leeds mental health racial equality partnership shortlisted for two prestigious national awards

Synergi-Leeds Partnership in running for Health Service Journal (HSJ) awards

Health Mental health Awards

Leeds' air quality continues to improve, new data shows: 2023 Leeds Air Quality Health Needs Assessment Summary

15 Jun 2023

Leeds' air quality continues to improve, new data shows

Levels of air pollution in Leeds have not returned to pre-pandemic levels and continue their long-term decline as a result of citywide action, new air quality data published by Leeds City Council on Clean Air Day confirms.

Clean air/air quality Health Transport Environment