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197 items found, showing page 4 of 17

Council announces air quality alerts and breakthrough medical conference to mark Clean Air Day 2022: Every Breath You Treat medical conference

16 Jun 2022

Council announces air quality alerts and breakthrough medical conference to mark Clean Air Day 2022

Leeds City Council has marked Clean Air Day 2022 by launching a new email alert service to help protect residents when high levels of pollution are forecast by the Met Office.

Clean air/air quality Health Environment

Leeds City Council Logo

20 Apr 2022

Don’t let measles, mumps and rubella into your child’s world

Reminder as Leeds marks World Immunisation Week

Health Children's services

Leeds unveils ambitious air quality strategy to save lives and meet global standards by 2030.: Cycling on York Road

14 Jul 2021

Leeds unveils ambitious air quality strategy to save lives and meet global standards by 2030.

Senior councillors will discuss ambitious proposals for a new strategy to save lives by meeting global standards for clean air next week.

Clean air/air quality Climate change Transport Health

Leeds’ Clean Air Zone has achieved its aims early and is no longer required, joint review finds: CAZ Logo

13 Oct 2020

Leeds’ Clean Air Zone has achieved its aims early and is no longer required, joint review finds

Leeds’ planned Clean Air Zone is no longer required thanks to businesses switching to cleaner vehicles faster than expected, a joint review by Leeds City Council and central government has concluded.

Clean air/air quality Transport Health Climate change