Leeds support services come together to mark World Suicide Prevention Day 2024: Kirkgate Market event

05 Sep 2024

Leeds support services come together to mark World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

Health Mental health

Kirkgate Market will play host to a special event showcasing a range of support services on offer in Leeds as the city comes together to mark World Suicide Prevention Day 2024.

Leeds City Council’s public health team has organised a ‘market place’ style event at the city centre venue on Thursday September 12th – a day of the week when footfall can be as high as 20,000 visitors throughout the day.

The event is being held to mark World Suicide Prevention Day, a global awareness-raising day held on September 10th which aims to help create a world where fewer people die by suicide.

Data released last week by the Office for National Statistics shows the three-year average suicide rate in Leeds for 2021-2023 was 11.6 per 100,000 people - higher than the England average rate of 10.7.

Reducing suicide and the stigma around it is a priority for Leeds City Council’s public health team and its wider partners, with supporting communities most at risk of poor mental health, suicide and self-harm a key objective in the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030.

The authority carries out regular in-depth audits of suicide in the city, with the most recent finding 194 residents took their own life between 2019 and 2021. The audits look into a range of risk factors to inform suicide prevention work and help target support and investment where it is most needed.

On Thursday, the hall inside Kirkgate Market will be filled with stalls showcasing services which provide support for many of these risk factors such as Gambling With Lives, Carers Leeds, the self-harm charity Battle Scars, Leeds Survivor Led Crisis, Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service and many more.

The event is one of a several activities being held across the city to mark World Suicide Prevention Day.

Another is a talk by Leeds Minds’ Mindful Employer network – which brings together local businesses and workplaces on the subject of mental health – called ‘Strengthening the Safety Net: The vital role of employers in suicide prevention and postvention’. For more information or to join the network visit Leeds Mindful Employer Network - Leeds Mind.

Health and wellbeing charity Touchstone will also be holding community walks across the city, led by staff and volunteers, to help encourage conversations and raise awareness. For full details visit the Touchstone website.

Councillor Fiona Venner, Leeds City Council’s executive member for equality, health and wellbeing, said: “In Leeds, around one person dies every five days as a result of suicide and every death leaves behind family, friends, colleagues and communities shattered by the loss.

“We have a long-term commitment to suicide prevention in Leeds and, together with our partners across the city, are proud to support World Suicide Prevention Day.

“This event at Kirkgate Market showcases the huge array of help available in Leeds to people from all walks of life and dealing with a range of issues. Whether you’re a carer for someone at home or struggling with grief, trauma or addiction, there is support out there – please make that step and reach out.

“We can all play a part in preventing suicide and looking out for those around us. I would urge everyone to come down to Kirkgate Market to see how the city can support you and your loved ones, as well as friends, colleagues and neighbours in their time of need.”

For up-to-date details on support services available in Leeds visit https://suicidepreventionwestyorkshire.co.uk/support/leeds.


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