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Dance fan Margaret, 96, urges all to get active – as report investigates how to age well in Leeds: DPHAR - Margaret Nutter 1

15 Jul 2024

Dance fan Margaret, 96, urges all to get active – as report investigates how to age well in Leeds

Disco dancing Margaret Nutter has still got all the right moves after decades on the dancefloors of Leeds.

And now the 96-year-old great-grandma is encouraging everyone to get active to stay a step ahead of ageing as a new report investigates how more people in the city can live well for longer.

Health Older people

Leeds’ older residents relive wartime memories as part of special events to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day: Rita Green - D Day event

03 Jun 2024

Leeds’ older residents relive wartime memories as part of special events to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

Inspiring stories and poignant memories of life in wartime Leeds are being shared by the city’s older people as part of special events to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Armed Forces/Remembrance Adult social care Older people

Leeds City Council Logo

14 Mar 2023

Leeds City Council adopts Age Friendly Employer Pledge

New commitment to help recruitment and staff development

LCC staff_officers Older people