10 Dec 2020
Leeds issues reminder asking people to work together to keep older people safe
A new campaign has been launched in Leeds to raise awareness that people aged 60 and over are at greater risk of health complications from COVID-19 and how people can continue to stay active and connected safely while reducing physical contact.
Health and care organisations across Leeds are working together to launch a positive campaign for residents aged sixty and over to keep safe, well and connected as the city heads into winter. This comes as West Yorkshire moves into the toughest Tier 3 restrictions and ahead of the relaxing of rules announced by the Government over the Christmas period.
To support residents of 60 and above to live healthily, and keep mentally well during this time, the NHS in Leeds, alongside Leeds City Council and community and voluntary sector organisations are coming together to share and promote a programme of positive messages over the winter season. This includes messages that encourage people to stay connected safely to reduce the risk of social isolation.
The campaign will also target employers and employees in the city so that they can take steps to protect their own colleagues as well as their customers. This includes advice for skilled tradespeople who need to access people’s homes.
According to the 2011 census around 20% of Leeds’s population are aged sixty or over and it is now recognised that this age group is more at risk of developing more serious health complications from COVID-19.
Dr Jason Broch, Clinical Chair for Leeds NHS Clinical Commissioning Group said:
“We are acting on the latest information that informs us that people aged sixty and over are more at risk of contracting Covid-19 and experiencing serious complications as a result. Sadly, as people move beyond the age of 60, the risk is higher. As clinicians, we want to ensure we keep all our residents and communities safe and focussing on the most vulnerable groups is our priority. By encouraging people to minimise contact, stay active safely, and signpost people to resources that can help them stay connected to loved ones and friends remotely, we aim to give over 60’s the best possible advice for staying well.
“We are really grateful for the sacrifices people in Leeds have made in our efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We know this has had an impact on all our lives but the virus has not gone away. It is important that people, especially those aged over 60, know they can still continue to go about their daily lives without putting themselves at risk. The greatest risk comes from physical contact and social mixing, our campaign shows how people can stay connected with family, friends and colleagues without putting each other at risk.”
Cllr Rebecca Charlwood Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults, Leeds City Council said: “Leeds is an Age Proud and Age Friendly city and it is a priority that we ensure our residents aged sixty and over are offered the best possible advice as we move to Tier 3 restrictions. By working together with the NHS and Third Sector organisations we will offer practical advice on staying COVID-19 safe, as well as ensuring people can make the most of new and existing resources available to them, access advice and stay well, connected and active during this unprecedented time.
“Leeds is Age Proud and Age Friendly and people aged 60 and above continue to make a valuable contribution to life in Leeds. This campaign will offer guidance, support and advice and help to enable over 60’s to stay in-touch via technology and active indoors and out.”
To further protect NHS services, Leeds City Council and the NHS in Leeds once again call for the members of the public to consider the following advice:
- aim to reduce physical contact and avoid areas of high footfall;
- discuss ways to reduce transmission risk with employers and minimise situations that brings close contact with people, especially indoors;
- plan leisure time to include leaving the house around quieter times of the day to reduce the risk of being in close physical contact with others;
- physical exercise is important – maintain a two metre distance to stay safe;
To find out more about the campaign and to get tips to keep family, friends and colleagues safe please visit www.takecareleeds.co.uk
Issued by the communications team at NHS Leeds CCG.
You can contact the team on
0113 84 35528 or 0113 84 35470. Alternatively, please email us: leedsccg.comms@nhs.net
Note to editors:
Please see attached resident testimonial and image to accompany this media release.
David has given permission for use of images.
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team