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Forward march to free fun and excitement with Leeds Armed Forces Day 2023: LM Veteran Talking 5 SML

20 Jun 2023

Forward march to free fun and excitement with Leeds Armed Forces Day 2023

Fun and excitement will top the bill at this year’s Leeds Armed Forces Day this coming Sunday, as the city celebrates our service men and women's courage, dedication, and commitment.

Armed Forces/Remembrance Lord Mayor of Leeds

Reach for the sky with Leeds Armed Forces Day 2023: Tiger Moth in flight

06 Jun 2023

Reach for the sky with Leeds Armed Forces Day 2023

One lucky winner can reach for the sky this summer, with the Leeds Armed Forces Day 2023 Grand Raffle to win a flight experience in a vintage De Havilland Tiger Moth biplane.

Armed Forces/Remembrance Lord Mayor of Leeds

New Lord Mayor of Leeds officially announced: LM 2023-24

25 May 2023

New Lord Mayor of Leeds officially announced

Councillor Al Garthwaite has been announced as the new Lord Mayor of Leeds for the next year following the council’s annual general meeting.

Lord Mayor of Leeds

Lord Mayor’s ‘Just One Day’ charity appeal returns for 2023: LM22-23 JOD Packs

11 Apr 2023

Lord Mayor’s ‘Just One Day’ charity appeal returns for 2023

The Lord Mayor of Leeds’ charity appeal ‘Just One Day’ event is returning on Friday 19 May, with everyone in the city encouraged to get involved.

Lord Mayor of Leeds

Military Wives Choir tops the bill for Leeds Armed Forces Day 2023: Dishforth MWC

17 Mar 2023

Military Wives Choir tops the bill for Leeds Armed Forces Day 2023

The Dishforth Military Wives Choir (MWC) will top a bill of festivities and excitement at this year’s Armed Forces Day in Leeds.

Armed Forces/Remembrance Lord Mayor of Leeds

Leeds to hoist Flag of Peace to mark the tenth anniversary of the Charter of the Commonwealth: Peace Flag sml

09 Mar 2023

Leeds to hoist Flag of Peace to mark the tenth anniversary of the Charter of the Commonwealth

A new Flag of Peace will be raised in Leeds on Commonwealth Day, marking the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the Commonwealth.

Lord Mayor of Leeds

Lord Mayor of Leeds welcomes Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation chief executive to Holocaust Memorial Day service: LCC HMD 2023 Big Screen Ad 1024x576px

18 Jan 2023

Lord Mayor of Leeds welcomes Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation chief executive to Holocaust Memorial Day service

The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Robert W Gettings MBE JP will welcome the chief executive of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, Wojciech Soczewica to Leeds this weekend as the city holds its annual civic reception for Holocaust Memorial Day. 

Lord Mayor of Leeds

Lord Mayor visits Auschwitz ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day: IMG-20221116-WA0050

21 Nov 2022

Lord Mayor visits Auschwitz ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day

The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Robert W Gettings JP MBE visited Auschwitz-Birkenau this month ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day (January 2023) to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and to develop his understanding of the atrocities committed during World War Two by the German Nazi regime.

Lord Mayor of Leeds

Fourteen former Leeds councillors receive major civic honour: Alderwomen with the Lord Mayor of Leeds

20 Oct 2022

Fourteen former Leeds councillors receive major civic honour

Fourteen former Leeds councillors received one of the highest civic honours the city can bestow yesterday, at a special session of full council, marking their exceptional contribution to Leeds and its council.

Lord Mayor of Leeds

New Children’s Mayor of Leeds officially announced: New Children's Mayor of Leeds

11 Oct 2022

New Children’s Mayor of Leeds officially announced

On Thursday 6 October, Mason Hicks, aged 9, from Whitkirk Primary School was announced as the new Children’s Mayor of Leeds by the Lord Mayor of Leeds Robert W Gettings MBE JP at a special event at Leeds Civic Hall.

Lord Mayor of Leeds Children