08 Sep 2021
Local Plan Update scoping consultation – one week left to have your say!
Leeds City Council’s Local Plan Update scoping consultation is coming to an end on 13 September 2021, and the authority is encouraging residents and businesses to have their say on ‘How do we make inner city Leeds and your neighbourhood greener?’
One final online workshop is being hosted for citizens to discuss this question as well as anything else participants wish to raise about the ongoing planning consultation, which will set out the authority’s approach to planning policy and new development across the district over the next decade and beyond.
The workshop, on Tuesday 7 September from 10am to 12 noon, will be hosted by Planning Aid England (PAE), who are keen to help engage with those who don’t normally get involved in consultations. It will be independently run and will take the format of an informal online discussion with all comments made during the workshop anonymously recorded and submitted as a response for the consultation.
More details can be found at www.leeds.gov.uk/lpu which is home to all the information contained within the draft Local Plan and includes separate sections for the different topic areas, which are available in detailed and short formats.
‘Have Your Say’ surveys are available in each topic area or people can email us their comments at lpu@leeds.gov.uk.
You can register for the workshop here.
Cllr Helen Hayden, Leeds City Council’s Executive Member for Climate and Infrastructure, said:
“The Local Plan plays a key role in setting out our city’s planning policies for the long-term future, and with only one week left until the scoping consultation closes we continue to encourage as many residents, businesses and organisations to take part.
It’s important that we get as many views as possible and that we speak to people that might never have been involved in a planning consultation before.
These workshops are another way in which we are dedicated to getting the views of the citizens of Leeds to make this a plan that represents the best future for everyone.
There are many ways to take part in our consultation, and I would encourage people to have their say so we can create a better and greener city for everyone.”
If you have any questions, please contact us via email at lpu@leeds.gov.uk.
For media enquiries contact:
Kulvinder Bharath
Graduate Communications Officer
Leeds City Council