Hibiscus Rising

07 Jun 2024

Last November saw Yinka Shonibare’s spectacular Hibiscus Rising installed close to Aire Park. The incredible piece commemorates the life and death of David Oluwale, a British-Nigerian man who died in 1969 after being racially harassed. The artwork closely followed the opening of The David Oluwale Bridge spanning the River Aire between Sovereign Street and Water Lane. Photo credit David Lindsay

Hibiscus Rising: Last November saw Yinka Shonibare’s spectacular Hibiscus Rising installed close to Aire Park. The incredible piece commemorates the life and death of David Oluwale, a British-Nigerian man who died in 1969 after being racially harassed.
The artwork closely followed the opening of The David Oluwale Bridge spanning the River Aire between Sovereign Street and Water Lane.
Photo credit David Lindsay
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