Leodis TdF gallery

21 May 2024

The famous Black Prince statue on City Square in Leeds was dressed in a yellow jersey ahead of the Grand Depart in July, 2014. The jersey was result of weeks of hard work by older people attending Holbeck Elderly Aid and Holt Park Active. Around 30 balls of yellow wool were used for the Black Prince’s two metre-long jersey, which was lifted into place before being carefully stitched on. Credit Leeds City Council

Leodis TdF gallery: The famous Black Prince statue on City Square in Leeds was dressed in a yellow jersey ahead of the Grand Depart in July, 2014. The jersey was result of weeks of hard work by older people attending Holbeck Elderly Aid and Holt Park Active. Around 30 balls of yellow wool were used for the Black Prince’s two metre-long jersey, which was lifted into place before being carefully stitched on. Credit Leeds City Council
Black Prince TDF.JPG (640px * 640px - 260.77 KB)