City Square Credit Leeds Civic Trust

24 Nov 2022

City Square: Undated City Square and view up Park Row taken from Queen's Hotel. From left, flower beds and statues of City Square. Behind which is the end of Infirmary Street. The Norwich Union building is on the corner of Park Row and at the end of Park Row St Anne's Cathedral is visible. At the front on the right is Priestley Hall and the archway to the grounds of Mill Hill Chapel. Tram stops and period cars are visible in the foreground. Credit Leeds Civic Trust.

City Square Credit Leeds Civic Trust: City Square: Undated City Square and view up Park Row taken from Queen's Hotel. From left, flower beds and statues of City Square. Behind which is the end of Infirmary Street. The Norwich Union building is on the corner of Park Row and at the end of Park Row St Anne's Cathedral is visible. At the front on the right is Priestley Hall and the archway to the grounds of Mill Hill Chapel. Tram stops and period cars are visible in the foreground. Credit Leeds Civic Trust.
City SquareCredit Leeds Civic Trust.jpg (500px * 367px - 50.21 KB)