Unique service launches designed to discourage and tackle anti-social behaviour in inner north-west Leeds: Dedicated service officer

25 Feb 2022

Unique service launches designed to discourage and tackle anti-social behaviour in inner north-west Leeds

A unique service tackling anti-social behaviour and noise in Headingley, Hyde Park, Little Woodhouse and Burley launched this week, thanks to a unique partnership between the council and its two biggest universities.

The dedicated service is a national first, with Leeds Beckett University and University of Leeds funding overnight patrols, seven days a week, by council response officers.

The officers will work exclusively on noise and anti-social behaviour issues in inner north-west Leeds. They will carry out patrols to identify and stop potential issues from escalating while also providing capacity to respond to more calls, more quickly. The partnership will provide additional call-handling capacity at weekends and during peak times throughout the year, including Freshers’ week and end of assessments.

In what is a significant investment by the universities, as well as a major commitment by the partnership to improve the communities, the service is supported by a new Community Coordinator to keep the service working and improving efficiently.

The partnership will monitor and regularly share updates on the performance and impact of the service, and hold termly meetings with residents' association leaders.

This new venture builds upon the Leeds Universities and Colleges’ long-established Neighbourhood Helpline service and Enhanced Noise Service.

Community members can also join a network of ‘key individuals’ to complete short, regular feedback surveys to help to develop the service. Please email dedicatedservice@leeds.gov.uk if you live, work or run a business in the area and can spare a few minutes every month. 

Councillor James Lewis, Leader of Leeds City Council, said: 

“While universities make an incredibly positive contribution to Leeds’ culture and economy, we also recognise that some issues can arise in all communities with a student population.

“While these issues are not unique to Leeds, our response is. The dedicated service is a national first, building on years of partnership and listening to communities.”

Professor Peter Slee, Vice Chancellor of Leeds Beckett University, said:

“Building and maintaining positive relations in the city is a priority for Leeds’ seven universities. We work with student unions, landlords, police and the council to support our students to live in diverse and vibrant residential communities.  

“Leeds’ 70,000 students contribute significantly to the city’s economy and the majority play a positive role in their communities. This service recognises community concerns over the minority that behave inappropriately, and strengthens the partnership’s ability to respond to and deal with that behaviour.” 

Professor Simone Buitendijk, vice chancellor of the University of Leeds, said:

“Together with our other partners across the city, we recognise the significant impact that noise and anti-social behaviour can have in the communities in which our students live.

"The introduction of this dedicated service is an important step forward for our collective approach in preventing as well as responding to these issues.

“We will also continue to work together to deliver an enhanced programme of good citizenship activities to ensure our students play an active and positive role in community life.”

Pango Simwaka, Union Affairs Officer at Leeds Beckett Student Union, said:

''Improving the relationship between students and residents in our community has always been a priority for us at Leeds Beckett Students' Union.

“As a union, we welcome the new dedicated anti-social Behaviour and noise nuisance service and are happy to join forces with the universities and partners on this initiative.

“It’s important that we all work together to create a community which we are proud to live in, while also remembering the positive changes that the students and the universities bring to Leeds.  

“We're keen to show that the vast majority of students in Leeds really value their time in our city and are proud to study here.''

Reporting concerns

In spite of the new dedicated patrol service, there are no changes to how anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance are reported. 

5pm to 4am every day                 0113 3760337

Between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, or if you do not require an immediate response, call 0113 222 4402

You can also report online using the council’s web form for anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance

The Community Coordinator will provide a link between the service and local communities, working closely with a new community relations post at Leeds Beckett University and the Student Citizenship team at the University of Leeds.

Get involved

Please email dedicatedservice@leeds.gov.uk if you live, work or run a business in the area and are interested in joining a network of ‘key individuals’ and giving feedback, which should take no longer than a few minutes every month.

For media enquiries contact:

Leeds City Council Communications team