25 Jul 2024

Senior councillors in Leeds reaffirm commitment to EDI to tackle poverty and inequality


Annual reports discussed by council's executive board

Senior councillors in Leeds have renewed their commitment to going further on equality, diversity and inclusion to help tackle poverty and inequality in the city at a key meeting this week.

At this week’s executive board meeting, councillors discussed and approved an annual report on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) which considered progress achieved and future aims and ambitions for the council and the city.

Amongst the key aspects approved are updates to the council’s Equality Improvement Priorities (EIP) including:

  • - Working to address poverty as the council recognises that several of the protected characteristics (as set down by the Equality Act of 2010) are disproportionately represented in those living in poverty, and that poverty is a barrier limiting what people can do and be.
  • - Recognising care experienced as a local protected characteristic. This means people who have had experience of the care system, either on a temporary or long-term basis, and includes children currently in local authority care, as well as 'care leavers' – people who have been in care previously.
  • - Moving away from the need to respond to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic with a new focus on supporting carers and making Leeds a Carer Friendly City.
  • - Strengthening networks and equality hubs in Leeds and giving more of a voice to children, young people and carers in all key decision-making.
  • - Continue to promote and develop Leeds City Council’s organisational values and behaviours to help all staff be their best in the workplace and treat people fairly, with the role of staff networks encouraged and supported.

Underpinning the work on these priorities is the council’s role as an employer, service provider and partner in supporting communities to thrive as part of the Team Leeds collective approach.

The report also sets out the ambition to deliver a new cohesion strategy for the city, bringing together key stakeholders and agendas and building on work already undertaken around the Intercultural Cities Programme. This followed a successful visit from the Council of Europe in 2022 that commended work in Leeds and its commitment to becoming an Intercultural City through bringing different communities together.

The cohesion strategy will be shaped by the feedback from a public survey carried out last year, which highlighted barriers to people from different backgrounds and communities from forming relationships, and ideas as to how those barriers could be tackled and removed. Ongoing discussions with community groups, focus groups, stakeholders, partners and young people will also provide key insight for the strategy.

Leeds City Council executive member for equality, health and wellbeing Councillor Fiona Venner said:

“This report reflecting the work undertaken in Leeds to put equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of everything we do is really encouraging, but now we want to go further and step up another gear to tackle poverty and inequality and ensure every person in every community in the city can live together in harmony and enjoy the best lives possible.

“Developing a new cohesion strategy and vision is very exciting and important to the future direction of our work in this area, and it very pleasing that care experienced people are now officially recognised in Leeds as a protected characteristic reflecting the incredible and invaluable role they have in our city.”

To see the annual report and supporting appendices discussed by the executive board visit Council and democracy (leeds.gov.uk) (agenda item 18).

Notes to editors:

For more information on the Intercultural Cities Programme visit Intercultural Cities - Home - Intercultural cities programme (coe.int)



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