17 Aug 2023
Results are in for Leeds students
Young people across Leeds are celebrating their A level and other post-16 results today (Thursday 18 August).
This year is only the second time pupils across Leeds have sat summer exams since 2019.
Grades were generated by schools in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, with results based on internal assessment and work produced over the course of pupils’ studies.
Grades in 2020 and 2021 were generally higher than they were in 2019 due to the different assessment system used. Last year, exam boards set grades at a midpoint between summer 2019 and 2021.
This year results will be similar to those from 2019, with an allowance made for disruption faced by pupils in subjects where national performance was found to be lower than levels seen prior to the pandemic.
Due to the ongoing changes with grading, it is not possible to make comparisons between results this year and previous years.
Councillor Jonathan Pryor, Leeds City Council's executive board member for economy, culture and education said:
“I’d like to congratulate young people in the city for the results they have received today, which are the culmination of hard work, determination and application.
“I would also like to thank all the staff in our schools and colleges, who have supported them so well over a number of years by delivering high quality teaching and learning and giving strong pastoral help when required.
“We all know how challenging the last few years have been for our young people. With exams being cancelled during the pandemic, these students did not sit GCSEs and the last formal assessments they did were when they were 11.
“They have shown resilience in the face of adversity, and I am delighted that so many have emerged with the results enabling them to go onto exciting future opportunities. I would like to wish all our young people the very best as they choose and take their next steps.
"Schools and colleges are on hand to offer additional advice and guidance, and I want to thank all those staff for the assistance they continue to provide to young people in the city as they consider what they want to do next.”
Information on Next Steps
Additional support, advice and guidance is also available to those young people still considering their future options having received their results today from the Start in Leeds website.
There is support available for students who did not get the results they were hoping for and those who need help figuring out what’s next.
The Next Steps page also signposts learners to the council’s Employment Hub that provides one-to-one support with CVs, job searching, application forms, interviews and general careers advice and guidance.
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team