06 Sep 2018
Neighbourhood Network schemes funding announced
Popular Neighbourhood Networks schemes have been awarded five years funding to continue their work supporting older people and communities throughout the city, Leeds City Council have announced.
Announcing the new funding, Cllr Rebecca Charlwood, Leeds City Council executive member for Adults and Health, said:
“We have been keen to provide longer term security to the Neighbourhood Networks, which have been such a success story for the city. It will help them plan for and deliver the support they do with confidence over a longer period.
“This announcement is a real vote of confidence in the work they have been delivering over recent years and will contribute to our aim of making Leeds the best place to grow old, for instance supporting older people who want to stay independent remain in their own homes as long as possible.
“Although we face significant budget pressures, we are investing to save with Neighbourhood Networks and the new funding represents an annual increase of over £564,000 on current contracts.”
All of the Neighbourhood Network schemes are governed by local people who represent the communities they serve. These people steer the organisations so they best meet outcomes local older people want. The grants total value is £15,009,450 over the initial five years, with an annual value of £3,001,890.
The Neighbourhood Networks support around 20,000 older people around the city, delivering support which helps reduce pressures on statutory health and care services, as well as enabling local people to get involved in using community assets in ways local people want.
The Networks have a national reputation for innovative new schemes tailored closely to the needs of local communities and can provide more flexible support in ways councils are less able to.
Notes for editors
The Neighbourhood Networks provide services to support older people living in their own homes for as long as possible. Rooted in their local communities, help they give includes luncheon clubs, dementia cafes, gardening, shopping, befriending, money advice, advocacy and a wide range of leisure and fitness activities.
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Leeds City Council Communications team