22 Mar 2016

Methley man fined for dumping mattress

Environment Flytipping

A man from Methley has been fined having been spotted dumping a mattress on the estate he lives on.

Peter Blackburn of The Hollings, Methley pleaded guilty at Leeds magistrates court yesterday (21 March) and was fined £200, ordered to pay £300 costs and a victim surcharge of £20.

A member of the public witnessed Blackburn drive on to a wooded area behind The Hollings estate in October 2015.

Having parked up, Blackburn was seen unloading a mattress from the rear of the vehicle and leave it.

Environmental action officers were able to follow up the eyewitness report and trace Blackburn.

Despite claims that the mattress was to be used for a bonfire, Blackburn was prosecuted for flytipping.

If the mattress had been used for a bonfire, this would have been an additional offence under The Control of Pollution Act 1989.

Councillor Mark Dobson, executive member for environmental protection and community safety, said:

“It might just be one mattress in this case, but if one person does it, another will think they can get away with dumping rubbish too and things can quickly spiral out of control.

“When a member of the public can provide us with sufficient information and witness statement, we will always look for evidence with a view to prosecuting.

“There are no shortcuts to disposing of your rubbish properly and we’ll continue to crack down on those that ditch waste indiscriminately.”

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