08 Nov 2022
Lord Mayor to lead Remembrance Sunday tributes in Leeds
Members of all communities across Leeds are warmly invited to join the Lord Mayor on Victoria Gardens to mark Remembrance Sunday.
The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Robert W Gettings MBE JP, will lead the tributes to service men and women who have lost their lives in times of conflict on Remembrance Sunday.
Held on Sunday 13 November, the people of Leeds are once again invited to join the Lords Mayor as he lays a wreath at the war memorial on Victoria Gardens on behalf of the city.
At 10:50am a procession will leave Leeds Civic Hall and head to Victoria Gardens where a number of wreaths will be laid by dignitaries.
This procession will as tradition, follow behind ex-service men and women plus members of ex-service organisations and current serving military organisations who will gather on Great George Street at the bottom of Millennium Square for 10:30am before leading the march to the war memorial.
Amongst those joining the Lord Mayor in the parade will be the Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mr Ed Anderson CBE, Councillor James Lewis, Leader of Leeds City Council, and the Leeds Children’s Mayor Mason Hicks.
Led by the Right Reverend Arun Arora Bishop of Kirkstall, the multi-faith service will be shown on two big screens around the war memorial to allow members of the public who are not near the front to watch the proceedings.
At 11am there will be a two-minute silence which will be preceded by a bugler who will sound the Last Post.
After the service, the Lord Mayor and civic representatives will proceed to the steps of the Town Hall where a salute and march past will take place.
The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Robert W Gettings MBE JP said:
“Remembrance Sunday is a time when the city comes together to honour the heroic efforts, achievements and sacrifices made by so many of our armed forces during times of conflict.
“It fills me with great pride to be laying a wreath on behalf of the city as part of Remembrance Sunday and I invite members of the public to join me on the day, for what is always a tremendously poignant and moving occasion for all those that are present.”
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team