18 Jun 2024
Leeds ‘SEND Next Choices - Getting ready for adult life’ fair returns next week
Event being held at first direct arena on June 25
The popular ‘SEND – Next Choices’ fair returns to the Leeds first direct arena next week.
The free event, which supports young people with special educational needs and disabilities, their parents, carers, and support workers in taking the next steps in getting ready for adult life, takes place on Tuesday 25 June between 10am-6pm.
Organised by Leeds City Council’s employment and skills service, this year’s event will feature more than 60 exhibitors offering advice on education, training, apprenticeships and career opportunities. Exhibitors include the Leeds Autism Services, SCOPE, Future Horizons Leeds, DEX Deaf Experience, and The Prince’s Trust.
The fair in its third year will feature its usual fun zone, which will be enhanced with a roped climbing wall courtesy of West Leeds Activity Centre. There will also be a quiet zone for relaxation, an area for help with life skills and finances, and insightful information sessions on supported internships.
Leeds City Council deputy leader and executive member for economy, transport and sustainable development Councillor Jonathan Pryor, said: “Leeds prides itself on its inclusive economy with opportunities for all and as a place where everyone can achieve their full potential.
“This year’s SEND - Next Choices event will showcase a broad range of incredible career and educational opportunities, together with help and support offers for those looking to take the next steps into adult life. I encourage anyone interested in discovering what options are open to young people with special educational needs and disabilities to book tickets and go along to find out the range of options available to them.”
Tickets to ‘SEND – Next Choices’ are free and can be booked online from the arena website:
SEND Next Choices 2024 | first direct arena
To download a visitor guide and access additional resources, visit the Leeds Local Offer website at:
SEND Next Choices Event 2024 | Leeds Local Offer
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team