28 Jun 2023
Leeds ‘SEND – Next Choices’ fair returning to Leeds
The popular ‘SEND – Next Choices’ fair is returning to the First Direct Arena Leeds for a second year.
The free-to-attend, one-day event, taking place from 10am-6pm on Thursday 29 June, supports young people with special educational needs and disabilities, their parents, carers and support workers in taking the next steps in getting ready for adult life.
Organised by Leeds City Council Employment and Skills, this year’s event will feature over sixty exhibitors offering advice on education, training, apprenticeships and career opportunities. The fair will also feature a fun zone for relaxation, help with life skills and finances and insightful information sessions on supported internships.
Speaking ahead of the fair, executive member for economy, culture and education, Councillor Jonathan Pryor, said: “Leeds is a city full of opportunities and, as we strive to create an inclusive economy, it is important that we support young people with SEND to achieve their full potential.
“This year’s event is set to showcase a broad range of incredible career, educational and support offers. I encourage anyone interested in discovering what options are open to young people with SEND to book tickets today.”
Tickets to ‘SEND – Next Choices’ are free and can be booked online from the arena website: https://www.universe.com/events/send-next-choices-2023-getting-ready-for-adult-life-tickets-689PCB.
To download a visitor guide and access additional resources, visit the Leeds Local Offer website at: https://leedslocaloffer.org.uk/#!/search/list?query=SENDNextChoices2023&exact=1.
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team