14 May 2015
Leeds Museums and Galleries set to light up May half term
An action-packed programme of activities and events will be on offer at all nine of Leeds Museums and Galleries’ sites in May half term which are set to feature exhibitions, crafts, fairytales and even the chance to take a step back in time.
Kicking-off the fun from Saturday 23 May - Sunday 31 May is ‘Wonderful Wildlife’ which will be set in the idyllic surroundings of Thwaite Mills Watermill. Come and join members of the team and explore the different wildlife trails on Thwaite Island whilst also enjoying a range of craft-themed activities.
One of the city’s most famous houses Lotherton Hall will also be hosting a very special ‘Fairytale Fun Week’ from Saturday 23 May – Sunday 31 May. Included in the programme will be a ‘Fairytale Picnic’ on Thursday May 28 where you are invited to bring your packed lunch and enjoy traditional games and music in the gardens.
If you have ever fancied stepping back in time, Temple Newsam House has just the event for you. In ‘Time Travelling Dress Up’ take your pick from a wide-range of replica costumes at the house and frame yourself in a replica portrait, draw a masterpiece and then upload your photos for everyone to see to Temple Newsam’s dedicated Facebook page.
The grounds of Kirkstall Abbey are always a relaxing and fascinating place to visit, and from Monday 25 – Friday 29 May, take a trip around the 12th century Cistercian ruins as part of an ‘Owl Trail’ and see if you can discover where they are hiding. A short walk across the road is Abbey House Museum offering themed activities on magic, potions and detective stories. ‘Silly Science’ potion classes guaranteed to provide fizzing, frothing and fun are set to take place on Wednesday 27 May from 10-12noon & 2pm-4pm, while on Thursday 28 May as part of ‘Magical Murder at the Museum Detective Day’ can you follow the clues and crack the case after Mr Marvel has been found dead in the Victorian street?
Opening recently at Leeds City Museum is ‘Light Lab’ which explores in all of its glory the wonder of light and its arrival will be celebrated in a one-off ‘Light Lab Activity Day on Thursday 28 May.
Artspace at Leeds Art Gallery is also providing the chance to get creative in ‘See Your Place’ throughout half term, with artist-in-residence Clark Mitton on hand 23, 26 and 28 May.
Home to a wealth of Leeds Museums and Galleries’ treasures is Leeds Discovery Centre, where you can find out more about the fascinating artefacts, objects and pieces it holds from across the world in a ‘Torchlight Tour’ on Wednesday 27 May from 10am-11.30am. Lastly, Leeds Industrial Museum will be exploring their industrial past through connections to West Africa over the weekend of Saturday 23 – Monday 25 May, expect lots of hands-on activities for all the family.
Councillor Lucinda Yeadon, Leeds City Council’s executive member for digital and creative technologies, culture and skills said:
“Leeds Museums and Galleries always host such creative and exciting events and this May is no different, which is great news is if you are looking for something to do during May half term.
“There really is something for all the family to enjoy, whether it is taking part in wildlife or owl trails, discovering the magic of fairytales or even taking the role of a detective to solve the case!
“With all of our fantastic exhibitions also open, including our new exciting display ‘Light Lab’, half term would really not be the same if you did not take the opportunity to visit Leeds Museums and Galleries.”
Notes to editors:
For more information on events and admission, please visit: www.leeds.gov.uk/museumsandgalleries
Details on events highlighted in press release:
Leeds Discovery Centre
Torchlight Tour, Weds 27 May, 10am-11.30am.
Free event | free admission | booking essential, call 0113 378 2100
Thwaite Mills Watermill
Wonderful Wildlife, Sat 23 - Sun 31 May, during opening hours.
Free event | usual admission charge applies | no booking required
Leeds Art Gallery
See Your Place in Artspace, Sat 23 & Sun 24, Tues 26 - Sun 31 May, 11am-4pm.
Free event | free admission | no booking required
Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills
From the West Riding to West Africa, Sat 23 & Mon 25 May, 10am-5pm Families / Activity
Join us on an incredible journey from Leeds to Sierra Leone and beyond! Hands-on activities, related to the Sierra Leone event.
Free event | usual admission charge applies | no booking required
Temple Newsam
Time Travelling Dress Up, Sat 23 & Sun 24, Tues 26 - Sun 31 May, 10.30am-5pm.
Free event | usual admission charge applies | no booking required
Lotherton Hall
Fairytale Fun Week, Sat 23 - Sun 31 May, 11am-3pm.
Free event | usual admission charge applies | no booking required
Abbey House Museum
Muggle May Family Crafts, Mon 25, Tues 26 & Fri 29 May, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm, Magic crafts and activities around the museum inspired by our favourite magician
Silly Science – Potions, Weds 27 May, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm.
Magical Murder at the Museum Detective Day, Thurs 28 May, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm.
All free events | usual admission charge applies | no booking required
Kirkstall Abbey
Owl Trail, Mon 25 - Fri 29 May, 10am-4pm.
Mini Owls, Tues 26 May, 10am-11am -Under 5's / Workshop
Our usual under 5's session gets a feathery makeover for the half term holidays. Fancy dress is welcome but please be aware we like get messy and use lots of glue and glitter!
All free events | free admission | no booking required
Leeds City Museum
Shadow Puppets and Silhouettes, Tues 26 & Weds 27 May, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm. Make a puppet and help us to fill the museum with shadows.
Light Lab Activity Day, Thurs 28 May, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm.
Kaleidoscope Creations, Fri 29 May, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm.
Create a colourful kaleidoscope! Did you know 'kaleidoscope' comes from the Greek words meaning 'look', 'beauty' and 'shape'?
All free events | free admission | no booking required
For media enquiries, please contact:
Colin Dickinson, Leeds City Council press office (0113) 395 1578
Email: colin.dickinson@leeds.gov.uk
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team