05 Dec 2017
Leeds first ever Compassionate City Awards takes place this week
Unsung heroes in Leeds will be recognised for their amazing contribution to the city at the first ever Compassionate City Awards taking place this week on Thursday, 7 December.
Held at Leeds Civic Hall, the Compassionate City Awards is a citywide celebration which will celebrate the city’s many unsung heroes. This award is about celebrating the positive work that individuals, community groups and organisations do every day to make their local communities and our City a great place to live, work, and visit.
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When: The media and photographers are invited to attend the Compassionate City Awards ceremony from 4pm-7pm on Thursday 7 December. Interview opportunities will be available with Cllr Judith Blake and Jo Cox’s family in the refreshment break from 5.30-6.00pm and with the winners after the ceremony.
Where: Banqueting Suite, Civic Hall.
Media are kindly requested to email Tanya.Goode@leeds.gov.uk to confirm attendance
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This important work helps to improve the lives of the people of Leeds and supports the vision for the city for Leeds to be the best city in the UK. The Compassionate City Awards will also build on the work which the council has undertaken over many years, on fairness, equality, social cohesion and resilient communities.
Included in this year’s event will be an award named in memory of former Batley & Spen MP, Jo Cox. The Jo Cox award will be given to an individual or organisation who has gone above and beyond to unite and bring different communities together. Jo’s parents Gordon and Jean Leadbeater and her sister Kim Leadbeater will be in attendance at the ceremony to present the Jo Cox award in her honour.
The award sponsors: Zenith, Leeds City College, Grant Thornton and Leeds Rhino’s Foundation will also be attending the awards ceremony to celebrate the winners.
Councillor Debra Coupar Leeds City Council’s executive member for communities said:
“I am delighted that the first ever Compassionate City Awards are being held this December at Leeds Civic Hall. This will be a fantastic opportunity to recognise those people and organisations of Leeds who regularly go above and beyond for their local communities to make Leeds the best place to live and work. I would like to offer my congratulations to all of the nominees. It is really positive that we have the chance as a city to pass on our thanks for all their tremendous efforts.”
For media enquiries please contact:
Tanya Goode
Leeds City Council communications,
Tel: 0113 247 5472
Email: tanya.goode@leeds.gov.uk
Notes to editors:
Award Categories
Volunteer of the Year
An individual who has made a positive impact in their community. Examples could be outstanding fundraising efforts, developing a new project or service or increasing membership of a community group.
Unsung Hero of the Year
An individual who works tirelessly to support the most vulnerable in their community and shows passion to help others.
Jo Cox Award
An individual or organisation who have gone above and beyond to unite and bring different communities together, supported newer communities to feel welcome into their communities and championed specific issues which help to create more cohesive and integrated communities
Young Person of the Year
A young person who has had a significant impact on others through activities , such as, working with voluntary groups, school activities, youth clubs, uniformed groups or as a carer to help others.
School of the Year
A school which has had a significant impact on their local community which has resulted in positive benefits on key issues, such as, tackling inequality and community resilience.
Inspirational Project of the Year
A project which has resulted in real benefits for its local community. Examples could be environmental initiatives, community safety activities or community integration projects.
Community Organisation of the Year
An organisation which has excelled in its services to users, through an on-going day-to-day activity, tackling issues such as accessibility, community cohesion, community involvement, health and wellbeing, inclusivity and social isolation.
Cultural Achievement of the Year
A project or creation celebrating the exceptional, experimental and diverse cultural landscape of our city and its communities.
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team