25 Mar 2024
Leeds Anchors unite as public and private sectors join forces to unlock and drive inclusive growth
*** Issued on behalf of the Leeds Anchors Network and Business Anchor Network ***
The Leeds Anchor Network (LAN) and the Leeds Business Anchor Network (LBAN) are joining forces to maximise their combined impact locally.
This powerful collaboration and excellent example of the Team Leeds approach, brings together the city's leading public and private sector employers, through pooling their resources and expertise to unlock inclusive growth and deliver real impact for people across the city.
‘Anchor’ working refers to the ways in which organisations can positively contribute to the place where they operate, strengthening the local economy, and contributing to employment, skills and health and wellbeing for local people.
Building on the success of the Leeds Anchor Network, established in 2018, the network has joined forces with the newly launched Leeds Business Anchors network to share lessons learned and identify where the two networks can support each other and build on the city’s ambition to tackle poverty and inequality and make Leeds the
At a meeting last Thursday (21 March), representatives from both groups and all member organisations came together to discuss how they can combine their assets, knowledge and skills to help address some of the key challenges facing the city.
Building on the city’s reputation for collaboration, the unified anchor networks further signals another win for Team Leeds as they make plans to continue to unlock and deliver on the shared city ambition to tackle poverty and inequality and improve the quality of life for everyone.
Chair of the Leeds Anchors Network and Vice Chancellor Professor Peter Slee said:
“The Leeds Anchors network brings together organisations rooted in the city who make a major contribution to the local economy. Broadening the network out to the private sector has allowed us to collaborate with other like-minded partners to increase the benefits that we bring to our city by creating high-quality job opportunities, enhancing the skills of local people, and encouraging local spending and services, each contributing to the economic and inclusive growth of the region.
“There is real synergy and influence between private and public sectors and we are extremely proud to be part of something already making a big impact in the city.”
Chair of the Business Anchor Network and Head of Delivery at BJSS Thomas Pomfrett said:
“Being a part of the Business Anchors network and linking with the already established Anchors network has allowed us to take lessons learnt and to very quickly look at where we can add value and build tangible impact for the city as a collective group to achieve our shared City Ambition.
“We all know that significant change can come when we join together, and bringing together the private and public sector will allow us to each play to our strengths.”
For more information about the Leeds Anchors Networks, and further case studies visit Leeds Anchors | Inclusive Growth Leeds
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team