27 Mar 2020
Inspired idea takes arts in Leeds online
Artists, arts organisations and community groups in Leeds are set to bring culture into homes across the city through an exciting programme of online activity.
Artists, arts organisations and community groups in Leeds are set to bring culture into homes across the city through an exciting programme of online activity.
With residents and families throughout Leeds currently observing social distancing to help fight the spread of Coronavirus, Leeds City Council's Leeds Inspired team have been working on innovative new ways to help people stay engaged with the culture.
And from today, grants of up to £1,200 will be available to artists and organisations with the aim of supporting them to create a new wave of imaginative activities and events that people can take part in.
The project will see existing Leeds Inspired small grant funding, usually allocated every two months, expanded to provide a much-needed monthly boost to the city’s cultural community.
The funding can be used by successful applicants to enable their events, talk, classes or workshops to be delivered digitally or to create fun, inventive ways of experiencing the arts offline that Leeds residents can enjoy safely.
The Leeds Inspired website, a What’s On guide for the city, now also features a new, specially-created section for online events, where visitors will be able to search for a range of things to do from home.
Examples already taking place include an energetic Hot Charleston live stream with Swing Dance Leeds and an online singing and ukulele workshop from Woolpack Studios.
Councillor Judith Blake, leader of Leeds City Council, said: “These are uniquely challenging times for the people of Leeds, when we are all having to adapt to unprecedented circumstances which impact every aspect of our daily lives.
“As we face this pandemic together, our cultural community can play a pivotal role in spreading the message to people across the city that they are not alone and that they can still take part in some of the many things which make Leeds such a special place.
“It is our hope that these grants will inspire our fantastic arts organisations to rise to the challenge, bring their ideas directly into people’s homes and create new and lasting experiences and connections.”
Part of Leeds City Council, Leeds Inspired has been supporting arts events and projects in Leeds since 2012.
Based at Leeds Town Hall, the team have funded more than 500 projects across the city and worked with a range of audiences, artists and communities.
For details on how to apply for grants for online activities, please visit: https://www.leedsinspired.co.uk/grants
For media enquiries, please contact:
Stuart Robinson
Communications Officer
Leeds City Council
Tel: 0113 378 9182
Email: stuart.robinson@leeds.gov.uk
For media enquiries contact:
Stuart Robinson
Leeds City Council