15 Nov 2024
Garden waste collections to pause for the winter
Brown bin collections in Leeds are going into their usual annual winter hibernation after 30 November.
With over four million brown bins emptied each year from over 221,500 households, Leeds City Council delivers the largest garden waste collection service in the UK. Brown bin collections are paused during the winter months due to the dramatically reduced demand for garden waste disposal, with the service resuming in spring.
This year, the last round of collections will begin Monday 18 November, with the final collection day being Saturday 30 November.
To find out when to put out their brown bin for the last time this year, residents are advised to check the dates at www.leeds.gov.uk/mybinday or download the Leeds Bins app to get a reminder sent straight to their phone.
Green fingered residents will still be able to take garden waste to their local household waste recycling centres for free throughout winter. Sites are open 7 days a week, 8am-4pm. Check www.leeds.gov.uk/recycling for the nearest recycling centre.
Composting garden waste can also be done at home and is by far the best solution for the environment. This produces excellent soil conditioner and mulch for gardens or house plants.
To help more households start composting Leeds City Council has secured a discount on selected compost bins, more details can be found at www.leeds.gov.uk/compost.
Councillor Mohammed Rafique, Leeds City Council's executive member for climate, energy, environment and green space, said: “As we move into winter, we encourage everyone with a brown bin to make a note of their last collection date for the year so they can have their bin ready.
“As always we want to thank our environmental services team, who do a great job collecting and delivering the garden waste from brown bins for composting.”
Leeds Household Waste Recycling Centres are open seven days a week from 8am to 4pm during the winter months, except on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day. Check www.leeds.gov.uk/recycling for more information.
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team