24 Mar 2015

New blue badge policy agreed for organisations

A new policy has been agreed to help groups supporting vulnerable residents in Leeds when they apply for accessible parking badges.

Some of the city’s neighbourhood networks and community transport schemes will be among those who can apply for organisational blue badges to use with their vehicles following the review of the current guidelines.

Department for Transport guidance states that the council needs to check if an organisation “cares for and transports” disabled people, which had led to some groups being classed as ineligible under the previous criteria.

But recognising the vital role the groups play in helping older people to get out and about in their communities, a clearer policy has now been agreed for any future applications.

Councillor Adam Ogilvie, Leeds City Council’s executive member for adult social care, said:

“I have recently met with some of these groups to discuss their concerns about blue badge provision and I know that there has been a degree of anxiety over whether they are still able to get one for their vehicles.

“Everyone working in adult social care in Leeds knows just how important these groups are to the welfare of local older people and that’s why I have personally stepped in and asked that a clear policy is put in place to help those who are eligible to apply for blue badges.

“These organisations do incredible work supporting vulnerable people to get out and about, socialise and visit new places so we appreciate just how imperative it is that they are able to use accessible parking. We’ll continue to support them to do that both now and in the future.”

Under the council’s new blue badge policy for organisations, “care” will be defined as “concerned with the care of disabled people.”

Groups will still have to apply for badges in the usual way, but future application forms will also include a section which will determine the type of organisation that is applying, for example a neighbourhood network or residential home, to make it clear how they are supporting disabled people.

In addition, any organisation applications refused in the last six months will be reviewed.

Applications by individuals will be considered using existing, separate criteria.

For more information about the application process and eligibility criteria, please visit: http://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/Pages/Blue-badge-parking.aspx


For media enquiries, please contact:

Stuart Robinson

Communications Officer

Leeds City Council

Tel: 0113 224 3937

Email: stuart.robinson@leeds.gov.uk


For media enquiries contact:

Leeds City Council Communications team